20 Low Calorie Hiking Snacks

20 Low Calorie Hiking Snacks

These 20 Low Calorie Hiking Snacks are packed with good for ingredients that can both assist in weight loss, while keeping you full and energized on hikes.

20 Low Calorie Hiking Snacks

20 Low Calorie Hiking Snacks

1. Low Calorie Trail Mix

2. Low Calorie Peanut Butter Protein Balls

3. Low Calorie Blueberry Protein Balls

4. Low Calorie Parfaits

5. Low Calorie Protein Bars

6. Low Calorie Graham Crackers

7. Low Calorie Crackers

8. Low Calorie Power Balls

9. Low Calorie High Protein Pudding

10. Low Calorie Cucumber Rolls

11. Low Calorie Cucumber Sandwiches

12. Low Calorie Popcorn

13. Low Calorie High Protein Cookie Bars

14. Low Calorie Mexican Fruit Cups

15. Low Calorie Chocolate Rice Cake

16. Low Calorie Protein Cookies 

17. Low Calorie Meal Prep Snack Boxes

18. Low Calorie Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

19. Low Calorie Granola Bars

20. Low Calorie Protein Balls with Oats

Low Calorie Snacking Tips for Hiking

When embarking on a hiking adventure, it’s important to choose snacks that not only provide sustenance but also keep your calorie intake in check. Here are some low calorie snacking tips to help you make smart choices while enjoying the great outdoors:

1. Plan Ahead

Before heading out on your hike, take some time to plan your snacks. Consider the duration of your hike and pack enough snacks to keep you fueled throughout. By planning ahead, you can ensure you have a variety of low calorie options on hand.

2. Opt for Nutrient-Dense Foods

Choose snacks that are rich in nutrients to keep you energized without excessive calories. Nutrient-dense foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These snacks will provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, and fiber while keeping you satiated.

3. Pack Portable Snacks

Select snacks that are lightweight, compact, and easy to carry. Look for individually wrapped options or use resealable bags to keep your snacks fresh and prevent any mess. Portable snacks ensure convenience and allow you to easily access them while on the trail.

4. Incorporate Protein

Including protein in your snacks is crucial for sustained energy and muscle recovery. Protein-rich options like Greek yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, jerky, and nut butter provide a satisfying and low calorie boost. They also help keep you feeling full for longer periods.

5. Embrace Fresh and Dried Fruits

Fruits are excellent low calorie snacks for hiking due to their natural sugars, hydration properties, and abundance of vitamins. Fresh fruits like apples, oranges, and berries are refreshing and provide essential nutrients. Dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, and cranberries are lightweight and easy to carry while offering concentrated sweetness.

6. Choose Whole Grains

Opt for snacks that contain whole grains to provide sustained energy. Whole grain crackers, rice cakes, or granola bars made with whole grains are excellent choices. They offer fiber and complex carbohydrates, which are digested more slowly, providing a steady release of energy.

7. Hydrate Wisely

Staying hydrated is crucial while hiking, but it’s important to choose low calorie options for hydration. Pack a reusable water bottle and refill it at water sources along the trail. Avoid sugary beverages and opt for infused water or electrolyte-enhanced drinks with no added sugars and no fake sugars too.

8. Mindful Portion Control

While low calorie snacks are beneficial, portion control is key to maintain a healthy calorie balance. Use small containers or snack-sized bags to portion out your snacks in advance. This will prevent mindless overeating and help you stay within your calorie goals.

9. Read Labels

When selecting pre-packaged snacks, take a moment to read the nutrition labels. Look for snacks with low calorie counts, minimal added sugars, and limited saturated fats. Avoid snacks with artificial ingredients or excessive sodium levels.

10. Balance Sweet and Savory

Variety is the spice of life, and the same applies to your hiking snacks. Aim for a balance between sweet and savory options to satisfy different cravings. This will prevent taste fatigue and make your snacking experience more enjoyable.

By following these low calorie snacking tips, you can fuel your body with nutritious and energizing snacks while keeping your calorie intake in check. Remember, hiking is not only about the destination but also about the journey, so make it a delicious and healthful one!

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20 Low Calorie Hiking Snacks