These 20 Health Benefits of Cucumber Water come with recipes, nutrition and calories in cucumber water, and more.
The printable recipes and the FAQ section will set you up for better health, and more cucumber water benefits right away.

Cucumber water is great for weight loss… but that’s not all!
Thanks to the guide to cucumber water below, you’ll want to to drink this healthy detox drink everyday!
These 20 Health Benefits of Cucumber Water come with recipes, nutrition and calories in cucumber water, and more.
20 Amazing Health Benefits of Cucumber Water
There are so many reasons to drink cucumber water… and so many ways to make it!
This article will guide you through the process, share yummy ingredients to add to your water, and show you all the wonderful reasons you should start drinking cucumber water today!

We want to get right into the cucumber with water benefits… But before we do that, these links will bring you to other sections of this cucumber water guide.
What You’ll Find in this Article:
- What is Cucumber Water?
- Health Benefits of Cucumber Water
- More Ingredients to add to Cucumber Water
- Cucumber Water Recipes (printable recipe cards)
- Nutrition and Calories in Cucumber Water
- FAQ – Cucumber Water Q&A Section
Special Tip: You can click on the links above to be brought to the section you desire! … Try it out!
Up next, what is cucumber water and how to make it…
What is Cucumber Water?
Also known as cucumber infused water or cucumber detox water, the basic cucumber water recipe is just two ingredients: Water and Cucumber.
But don’t let its simplicity fool you; cucumber infused water tastes great.
Special Tip: Cucumber water for weight loss is perfect to take with you and sip all day as a delicious hydrating treat.
How to Make Cucumber Water:
Time needed: 5 minutes
How to Make Cucumber Water
- Clean
Clean, peel (or unpeeled depending on your preference) and cut the cucumber into 1/2 inch slices.
- Add
Add the cucumber water ingredients in the bottom of a pitcher or fruit infuser bottle.
- Cover
Cover with ice about 1/2 way through then fill to top with water. (Do not mix)
- Chill
Place in the fridge for 1 hour before serving.
- Serve
Serve cold, with more cucumber sliced (if desired) for garnish.
Up next, 20 amazing health benefits of cucumber water….
Cucumber with Water Benefits
These health benefits are great for weight loss, overall health, hydration and more…
1. Reduces Bloat
There’s a reason that people place cucumbers on their eyes… because they reduce bloat! And they work the same way within the body as well. So drink up and shed bloat and water weight as you enjoy your cucumber water.
2. Encourages Weight Loss
Cucumber water is often found at gyms and spas, and for good reason. It promotes weight loss. Water naturally boosts fat burning, and cucumbers are low calorie.
3. Increases Hydration
It’s easy to stay hydrated, and to drink more water when you love the flavor. Cucumber water is super yummy, and will encourage you to drink more water. Which means you’ll be more hydrated! (Special Tip: See the “add-in” ingredients below for more yum my water combinations.)
4. Boosts Skin Health
Cucumber water helps reduce breakouts, reduce inflammation and (as we noted above) reduced bloat. Making your skin look luminous and clear. Cucumbers also have silica and antioxidants, both of which help prevent breakouts and clear up skin.
5. Lowers Blood Pressure
Among its many health benefits, cucumbers are a great source of vitamin B, rich in potassium and magnesium which helps to lower blood pressure.

6. Anti-inflammatory
Cucumbers contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called “fisetin”. Studies have shown that it can extend your life, and slow the signs of aging!
7. Boosts Metabolism
To start, water helps flush and detox your body, it keeps you feeling more full so you don’t eat as much, and even helps increase your metabolism. And as we noted above, adding cucumber to water makes it taste fantastic, so you’ll want to drink more.
8. Low in Calories
One cucumber is just 45 calories… for the entire cucumber! But with cucumber water you’re not actually eating the cucumbers, so you’re only ingesting about 1/3 of the calories!
9. Curbs Appetite
Cucumbers are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes them a great addition to your diet during weight loss because they’ll fill you up and help you feel more satisfied.
10. Naturally Cools You Off
Cucumbers are naturally cooling, and can help you “chill out” on a hot day, or during a hot flash! Pair them with some mint to really boost the chill factor and naturally cool your body from the inside, out.

11. Boosts Brain Health
Cucumbers contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called “fisetin” which studies have shown to help improve brain health.
12. Removes Toxins
Cucumber water is one of the original detox drinks, because it naturally detoxifies the body and removes toxins! Double down on the detoxing and add some cilantro to your detox water, it naturally removes heavy metals from the body!
13. Boosts Bone Health
With Vitamin K, silica and manganese, cucumbers are fantastic for bone health. And (as you’ll see below) cucumbers support healthy muscles, which protect your bones!
14. It’s Vegan + Gluten-Free + Keto
Cucumber water is great for all dietary needs and diets. On top of naturally burning fat, it’s great for all diets and is (unless you have an allergy) allergen free.
15. Helps you Drink More Water
Drinking more water is fantastic for your overall health… Not to mention it boosts weight loss, clears up your skin, hydrates your organs and feeds your cells. And when it tastes yummy, you’ll want to drink more of it! That’s where cucumber water comes in! P.S. don’t forget there are lots of yummy cucumber water recipes below!

16. Helps to Repair Muscles
It’s important to feed your muscles what they need before a workout… or just after climbing the stairs! Hydration is key, and cucumbers are 95% water, making them great for rehydrating your muscles. Plus, cucumbers contain silica, which is a trace mineral that’s necessary to keep connective tissue healthy.
17. It Travels Well
Have water bottle- will travel! You can cut cucumbers into thin sticks and add them to a water bottle (be sure to drink or pour out a little water first) and they are easily added to travel containers as well. Plus, you can keep adding more water to your bottle- leaving the cucumbers in – about 3 times before you need to replace the cucumbers.
18. May Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Among its many health benefits, cucumbers are a great source of vitamin B, rich in potassium and magnesium, and have even been known to fight cancer.
19. Makes you Feel Full
Cucumbers are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes them a great addition to your diet during weight loss because they’ll fill you up and help you feel more satisfied.
20. It’s Low Cost
Depending on where you live, cucumbers range between $0.50-$2.00 each. Making them a great, low cost addition to your water.
Up next, more fruits, herbs and such to add to your cucumber water…
More Ingredients to add to Cucumber Water
Cucumber water alone is delicious… But there are a number of ingredients you can add to it to boost flavor (and health benefits!)
Here are a few ingredients to add to your next batch of cucumber water (P.S. There are recipes below too!)
More Ingredients to Add to Cucumber Water:
- Lemon
- Mint
- Lime
- Cilantro
- Strawberries
- Rosemary
- Watermelon
- Blueberries
- Orange
- Raspberries
Up next, some amazing cucumber water recipes you’ll want to try right away….
Cucumber Water Recipes
Now that we’ve covered the 20 amazing benefits of cucumber water, let’s try a few!
Each of these recipes for cucumber water have printable recipe cards, and in many cases you’ll find more wonderful detox drinks to try out as well!

The 10 BEST Cucumber Water Recipes
- Traditional Cucumber Water
- Cooling Cucumber Mint Water
- Fat Burning Cucumber Lemon Water
- Hydrating Cucumber Pineapple Water
- Lime Cucumber Mint Rosemary Water
- Cucumber and Lime Sparkling Water (soda!)
- Strawberry Cucumber Infused Water Recipe
- Slim Down Cucumber Detox Water
- Cucumber Lemon Blueberry Infused Water
- Mango Cucumber Water
- To a carafe or pitcher, add all the fruit and herbs.
- Use a muddler (or potato masher) to gently mash the fruit and herbs to release their flavors.
- Add the water, mix together, and let marinate for 2 hours in the fridge before serving.
Special Tips on Making Fruit Infused Water Recipes:
- Use a Fruit Infused Water Pitcher to make these drinks! The canister in the center of the pitcher will hold the fruit and herbs submerged. This will intensify the flavor!
- If you don't have a fruit infused pitcher, add 3 cups of ice to the top of the water. Do not mix, but instead add to the fridge. As the ice slowly melts it will keep the fruit submerged longer. This will intensify the flavor!
Up next, nutrition and calories in cucumber water… and below that a cucumber water FAQ!
Nutrition and Calories in Cucumber Water
This nutrition label is based off 1 liter of cucumber water… as a reminder this is for the cucumber infused water, it does not take into account eating the cucumber slices.

In the next section we will answer all your cucumber water questions…
Cucumber Water FAQ
Drinking cucumber water everyday can help boost brain function, ward off cancer, strengthen muscles and bones, burn fat, reduce bloat and so much more!
You can leave cucumbers in water for 24 hours. After that wash out the water pitcher and start fresh with new cucumbers and fresh water
Adding cucumbers to your water can help boost weight loss and improve overall health. Drinking cucumber water everyday can help boost brain function, ward off cancer, strengthen muscles and bones, burn fat, reduce bloat and so much more!
Try to drink between 1-3 liters of cucumber water each day for maximum benefits.
Drinking cucumber water everyday can help boost brain function, ward off cancer, strengthen muscles and bones, burn fat, reduce bloat and so much more!
Cucumber water helps burn belly fat, boost metabolism, and it also helps reduce bloat… So you look thinner, faster. Try adding some lime or lemon with the cucumber to really boost belly weight loss.
If you leave cucumbers in water too long they can become soggy and might mold if you leave it in water too long. Be sure to change out the cucumbers every 24 hours to avoid soggy gross cucumber slices.
Cucumber water helps reduce bloat, lemon water doesn’t do that (but it will boost metabolism). Try adding lemon AND cucumber to your water and really burn some fat!
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