This How Many Teaspoons are in a Tablespoon guide comes with a printable PDF, directions on how to properly measure wet and dry ingredients, and more.
Below, you’ll find a quick guide, and further down, a teaspoon to tablespoon conversion card.

It’s easy to convert how many how many teaspoons make a tablespoon with the 3 guides below.
You’ll find a quick guide for TSP vs TBSP, a printable PDF, and a printable measuring card… Something for everyone!
Learn how many teaspoons in a tablespoon with 3 helpful guides below…
How Many Teaspoons are in a Tablespoon
Before we dive into the printable guides and how to measure teaspoons and tablespoons, here is a quick guide to answer your time sensitive cooking needs.
How Many Teaspoons Equal a Tablespoon Quick Guide:
- 1 TBSP = 3 TSP
- 2 TBSP = 6 TSP
- 4 TBSP = 12 TSP
- 5 TBSP = 16 TSP
- 8 TBSP = 24 TSP
- 11 TBSP = 32 TSP
- 12 TBSP = 36 TSP
- 16 TBSP = 48 TSP

You can click on the photo above, it will pop up with a printable PDF… that’s always free!
If you have questions on how to properly measure teaspoons and tablespoons, keep reading. You will also find a printable “how to guide” with these measurements below!
Click the photo to get a free TSP to TBSP printable guide!
Proper Teaspoon to Tablespoon Equipment
There are many cute teaspoon and tablespoon sets out there… but it’s important that you get a good set for baking and precise measurements.

When purchasing (or digging out from your current equipment) make sure your tablespoons and teaspoons are dent free, and have a good “scrape-able top”.
A level top is important so that you can properly submerge into dry ingredients and scrape off excess (more on that in the next section).
Up next, how to measure wet and dry ingredients in tablespoons and teaspoons…
How to Measure Teaspoons and Tablespoons
Depending on what you’re measuring (wet or dry ingredients) you may find it helpful to measure accurately… especially when using teaspoons and tablespoons in baking.
Baking is very precise, overfilling or under-filling a teaspoon or tablespoon can be the difference in making a perfect cake, or one that falls in the center.
Measuring Teaspoons and Tablespoons:
- Decipher how many teaspoons or tablespoons you need.
- If using dry ingredients, submerge teaspoon or tablespoon in the dry ingredient. Fill the spoon until mounding over. Then scrape excess off with the flat end of a butter knife to level.
- If using wet ingredients, fill to the top. It is ideal to measure wet ingredients over a bowl to catch any spillage.
Special Tip: If you found these directions helpful, the printable guide below has a teaspoons in tablespoons conversions as well as the directions above!
Up next, a sharable card with a TSP to TBSP guide, how to measure guide, and printable PDF… all in one handy card!
How Many TSP in TBSP Printable Guides
This how to measure TSP vs TBSP guide is printable and sharable (add it to Pintrest or email to a friend).
You can scroll down for more common teaspoon to tablespoon conversions….
Quick Answer: There are 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon… so there are 6 teaspoons in 2 tablespoons… 9 teaspoons in 3 tablespoons… and so on.

How Many TSP in TBSP + How to Measure Properly
- Teaspoons / Tablespoons
Measuring Teaspoons and Tablespoons:
- Decipher how many teaspoons or tablespoons you need.
- If using dry ingredients, submerge teaspoon or tablespoon in the dry ingredient. Fill the spoon until mounding over. Then scrape excess off with the flat end of a butter knife to level.
- If using wet ingredients, fill to the top. It is ideal to measure wet ingredients over a bowl to catch any spillage.

More Teaspoon to Tablespoon Conversions
If you’re looking for a quick “how many teaspoons in 1 tablespoon” answer, this section will help!
Tablespoon to Teaspoons:
- 1 Tablespoon to Teaspoon = there are 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon
- 2 Tablespoons to Teaspoon = there are 6 teaspoons in 2 tablespoons
- 3 Tablespoons to Teaspoon = there are 9 teaspoons in 3 tablespoons
- 4 Tablespoons to Teaspoon = there are 12 teaspoons in 4 tablespoon
Teaspoons to Tablespoons:
- 1 Teaspoon to Tablespoon = there is 1/3 tablespoon in 1 teaspoon
- 2 Teaspoons to Tablespoons = there is 2/3 tablespoon in 2 teaspoons
- 3 Teaspoons to Tablespoons = there is 1 tablespoon in 3 teaspoons
- 4 Teaspoons to Tablespoons = there is 1 1/3 tablespoon in 4 teaspoons
- 5 Teaspoons to Tablespoons = there is 1 2/3 tablespoon in 5 teaspoons
- 6 Teaspoons to Tablespoons = there is 2 tablespoons in 6 teaspoons
Now that you have the proper measurements for teaspoons vs tablespoons, you can get cooking and baking!
If you’re looking for some healthy, yummy recipes to use your new teaspoon and tablespoon converting skills… check out the next section!
FAQ – Teaspoons to Tablespoons Q&A
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
1 Tablespoon to Teaspoon = there are 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon.
Find more teaspoon to tablespoon conversions in this article and free printable PDF
2 teaspoons = 2/3 tablespoon
2 Teaspoons to Tablespoons = there is 2/3 tablespoon in 2 teaspoons.
TSP in TBSP Printable Guides in this article can help you convert teaspoons to tablespoons quickly and easily.
1/2 tablespoon = 1 1/2 teaspoons
There are 1.5 teaspoons in 1/2 tablespoon.
More TBSP to TSP conversions in this free (printable) guide…
Tablespoon is bigger
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons making a tablespoon bigger than a teaspoon.
Find how to properly measure liquid vs. dry tablespoons and teaspoons… yes, there is a difference!
TBSP = Tablespoon
TBS = Tablespoon
TSP = Teaspoon
TSP in TBSP Printable Guides in this article can help you convert teaspoons to tablespoons quickly and easily.
What to Read Next:

Lose Weight By Eating Cookbooks

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