Stay at Home Mom Weight Loss Tips

stay at home mom weight loss

It’s hard to lose weight when your’re a stay at home mom, and your entire kitchen is at your disposal 24 hours a day.

Stay at Home Mom Weight Loss Tips

Here are a few Stay at Home Mom Weight Loss Tips that have helped thousands of readers lose weight and baby weight fast.

1. Plan out your meals.

If you know you are having a big steak dinner tonight plan out your lunch and breakfast accordingly.

Figure out haw many calories you will have for dinner subtract from your goal calorie intake, and then divide by two that is how much you should have for breakfast and lunch.

How to Figure out your daily calories: Add a zero to your goal weight, if you want to be 120 lbs eat only 1200 calories a day.

Clean Eating Meal Plan for Weight Loss – 7, 14, or 21 Day
It is easy to create a clean eating meal plan, when you have all the tools!
Below, we have shared 10 breakfasts, 10 lunches, 10 dinners, and 10 snacks (40 total low calorie recipes) PLUS a printable clean eating meal plan pdf and directions on how to fill out a meal planner.
Just incase you don't find the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks you're craving, we've included links to 100's more free clean eating recipes as well.
All of the recipes, and this guide are all printable!! So pick your recipes, print your meal plan PDF and this guide to help make meal planning easy and fun.
Check out this recipe
Clean Eating Meal Plan for Weight Loss

2. Drink only water during the day.

Drink 2 large glasses with breakfast, lunch and dinner at the minimum and more if you are thirsty or hungry.

Water will fill you up and you won’t eat so much, plus it naturally boosts metabolism.

Save that glass of wine for dinner, or better when the kids have gone to bed at night.

3. Lead by example.

Are you frustrated that you kids won’t eat veggies? Well if they see food on your plate they will want it…. right?

Your behavior right now will dictate how your child will eat for the rest of their lives so show them now how to stay lean and healthy by eating well in front of them. If YOU are picky about food THEY will be too.

4. Say NO to diets!

Diets are fads, they are marketing BS and you are smarter than that!

Just eat real healthy food and count your calories and water intake.

Keep a sheet of paper on your fridge, and tally glasses of water and write down the calories. Then you can’t open the fridge without seeing it and half the time it will stop you from boredom eating.

Here are our “Anti-Diet” weight loss plans…

5. Avoid boredom eating.

Most people are big on snacking, and if you must snack choose veggies and lean protein.

Some homemade dip and veggies are a great choice, or some low-fat cheese and an apple.

Before you have that snack have a BIG glass of water, if you are still hungry after 5 minutes then have your snack.

Weight Loss Snack Boxes {OVER 15g PROTEIN}
Cottage Cheese Meal Prep Snack Boxes

6. Move your body.

Even if you are stuck in the house and can’t make it out to the gym or the park you can still burn some calories.

I like to have “dance breaks” if my little girl and I are watching a Disney movie and a song comes on (which is about 5 times a movie) I yell out “dance break” we both jump up and dance together for the entire song.

It will not only teach your kids to stay active but you will burn off some calories too.

workout videos

7. Cook for yourself.

You are in a unique position where you can cook for yourself everyday, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Even if your kids are still on baby food start cooking breakfast and lunch for yourself. If you enjoy cooking, you will love this idea, if you are new to cooking look at it is practice. 

This will help you from grabbing a frozen meal full of chemicals, sodium and preservatives or skipping lunch and overeating at dinner.

Make a big batch of something delicious at the beginning of the week and it will feed you for days. Check out our favorite lunches.

10 Low Calorie Meal Prep Breakfasts
10 Best Weight Loss Meal Prep Breakfasts
Stay at Home Mom Weight Loss Tips

It’s not just about you if you are a Stay at Home Mom, your kids will see your behavior and imitate it. How would you feel if a Day Care provider was smoking a cigarette in front of your child? Well, eating an entire bag of chips or a candy bar in front of them is just as bad, maybe worse because there is no age requirement on food. Lead by example!

One more thing, don’t obsess about your weight in front of your kids, or at all for the matter! I grew up with a young girl who had an eating disorder from the age of 6 until now. Her Mom would obsess about her own weight all the time, saying she felt fat, that she wanted to lose weight. If you beat yourself up your kids will do the same to themselves. You had a child, your body is strong and sexy! You are a Warrior Mommy and you should feel proud of yourself, stretch marks and all!

If you enjoyed my Stay at Home Mom Weight Loss Tips, check out more clean eating recipes and tips at Lose Weight by Eating and start living better today!

What to Read Next:

Lose Weight By Eating Cookbooks:

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4 thoughts on “Stay at Home Mom Weight Loss Tips”

  1. This article really helps stay-at-home moms with weight loss. Thank you for sharing this article that really helps especially busy moms out there. Keep sharing more valuable posts like this.

  2. Pingback: Audrey Johns: Author and Weight Loss Blogger | Lose Weight by Eating

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