This Low Calorie Lemon Juice and Baking Soda "Ice Hack" Drink is just 7 calories and so easy to make!Important Note on Ingredients: It is important you are using fresh lemon juice, not the stuff you can purchase in a bottle from the store. It might taste the same, but the stuff in the bottle will not help with weight loss. In fact it might actually cause fat storage because of all the preservatives and chemicals. You will want to get aluminum free baking soda, so check the package and look for "aluminum free".How to Use: The best time to have this baking soda lemon juice is on an empty stomach, though it can also help with digestion after a heavy meal. You can have it up to 2 times a day, so start with it in the morning on an empty stomach. Then have it again to help digest a large meal, or before a meal to boost fat loss. Special Tip: To sweeten this drink I supplied you with a zero calorie simple syrup that's all natural and super sweet. It's optional and I included a link so you can check it out.